Tyler Vincent


About me

Kia Ora, my name is Tyler Vincent. I'm a 17 year old ambitious and determined young adult who strives for success and achievement.

I have 3 siblings (a 20yr old brother, a 9 year old brother and a 4 year old sister) I live with Mum but see my Dad often, my relationship with both my parents is open and I feel I can tell them anything and everything, for that I am very greatful and lucky to have parents like them. My hobbies and interests are playing guitar, producing music, coding, stargazing, gaming with friends and spending time with family. Mum is my number one gem, she's raised me up in a way that I will pass onto my children when I have them, being open and offering support regardless of the situation


  +1 234 567 8910
  +1 234 567 8910
New Zealand